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Our lab studies environmental processes that occur within the terrestrial biosphere. We link plants and microbes to the flow of carbon and nutrients in natural and managed ecosystems. Much of our work is framed in the context of global change, where we aim to better understand how current environmental threats influence biogeochemical feedbacks such as trace gas fluxes and nutrient transformations. We use a suite of experimental designs from replicated field experiments to microcosms and various techniques from molecular microbiology to analytical chemistry. 

News & Updates

PhD Studentships Available

for October 2025 Intake

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Alex Thorpe and Alannah Vaughan Join the Lab! (Autumn '23)


Recent Publication

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Spatiotemporal â€‹Variations of Soil Reactive Nitrogen Oxide Fluxesacross the Anthropogenic Landscape


Purchase ML, Bending GD, Mushinski RM

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